Upgrading of Existing Plants
Professional Solutions for Aspirations and Pneumatic Conveying Systems
Cereal Storage and Handling
About us

The company Tecnocereal srl is a Constanta city of Romania located company, active mainyl in the domain of: engineering, machines supplying, and consulting!

To offer at national and international level the states-of-the-art solution in machines and plant delivery and installation, as well as engineering services.

“I have a dream !” , “Ich bin ein Berliner !”, “One small step for man, one big leap for mankind !”, and many other says…All of them are strongly connected.
Designing the best solution for each specific problem can be achieved only by love and passion.“For the love of...” Technology.
Our Recent Work
Latest News and Facts
Participare INDAGRA 2015
In perioada 28 Octombrie – 01 Noiembrie, TECNOCEREAL...
Expozitia Internationala pentru Masini, Tehnologii si Instalatii pentru Industria Moraritului (faina, gris, orez, porumb, bulgur, etc.)
In perioada 23-25 Aprilie 2015, Tecnocereal srl. a fost...
In perioada 23-25 Aprilie 2015, Tecnocereal srl va fi...